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HAPPY NEW YEAR and Tobi Fairley Mastermind



Hello all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

(Me and my sweet hubby)


I can hardly believe it, 2012 is officially over and 2013 has begun...WOW. Where does the time go? With the new year comes new goals and resolutions, right?

Ever heard of non-goals? I hadnt until my business coach mentioned them to me this week and I was very intrigued by the concept so I thought I would share it with you. A non-goal is something that you have accomplished; a moment, a habit or a choice where you were really great in the past year and you want to note and repeat. The concept of the non-goal encourages us to give ourself credit for working hard and accomplishing great things. I love that dont you? How often do we give ourselves credit for our accomplishments? Not often enough :) So in the spirit of good self-care I think we should try this non-goal thing.  

Hmmm...let's see, what would my non-goals be for 2012? What are yours? What have you accomplished in 2012 that is worth noting and repeating? 

2012 was a year of change for me. I feel like I have grown so much, learned so much and implemented so many new things into Kim Hoegger Home. It has been a great year, one certainly worth noting :)

Non-Goal No. 1  One of the greatest changes I made in 2012 was hiring a business coach. I felt it was time to focus more on the design side of things and really dive into my design business. With that decision came the closing of the store in downtown Rockwall. It was a hard decision but a good one for me personally and professionally as my design business is stronger and more productive now because of the choice. I am proud of myself for being brave enough to make such a really hard decision and stick with it! Yay me!

Non-Goal No. 2  Part of focusing on my design business meant focusing on my design work and spending the time and money to capture it with photography. I decided to  start with my latest project which happened to be our family's new lake house. Having never professionally photographed any of my work, it was quite the challenge and a lot of really hard work! The work paid off and my work has been considered by House Beautiful, Traditional Home and others. WOW! To be considered by the TOP shelter magazines in the country...little old me? A year ago I would have never considered that a possibility. It was just a dream. And now, my work on the lake house will be published in a lake publication this Spring and our guest house will be published nationally this Spring as well! Yay me!

Non-Goal No. 3 I love to write...blogs, journals, whatever, I love to think and share my thoughts on paper. I was blessed with the opportunity to write a design column this year for a local online publication, Savvy Texas Magazine. I have thouroughly enjoyed the experience and am fortunate to have been asked to consider writing a column for yet another magazine. Really, me, writing for magazines and sharing design tips with readers? Who would have thought that I would be accomplishing this task a year ago? Not I. Yay me!

So, do you see where I am going with this non-goal thing? What are your non-goals? What are the things that you deserve a pat on the back for? Give yourself some credit, a high-five and a great big hug, you deserve it! Start 2013 off with loving yourself and acknowledging all the hard work you have done thus far. It feels great! And what a great way to start 2013!!!


Congratulations on being a wonderful you :)

Warmly, Kim


For those of you who are designers and would love more information on Tobi Fairley's Mastermind Group, please watch the video below. It's amazing and you will love Tobi! If you are interested in being a part of Mastermind, be sure to register for the upcoming telecall on January 7(yes, that's Monday and it's FREE!) Click here. If you decide that you want to grow your business and become a better "you" like I and so many of my designer friends have done, please do join us in Tobi Fairley Mastermind! We would love to have you and you will be so glad that you did, it will change your life :) And if you would be so kind to mention that you have discovered Tobi Fairley Mastermind via reading my blog,  I would be ever-so grateful as we are praised for sharing our group with others and it would mean the world to me that you mentioned me :)

Tobi Fairley Photo


Watch the video here: 

" title="Tobi Fairley Mastermind" target="_self">

Stay tuned for some really fabulous news regarding upcoming Design Workshops in our new studio in Rockwall!! We are going to have so much fun!!! 

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

